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Pholimena Marbury

Pholimena Marbury

arrival : 19/10/2013
dreams : 5

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 19:34

Pholimena Elizabeth Marbury

NOM(S)Marbury. A name you must have heard about. Wealthy, caring and somehow withdrawn, they're paradoxically everything that you don't expect them to be. Pholimena is the youngest of them. PRÉNOM(S)Pholimena. She might not have the most common name of all, but she's not a weirdo, despite the fact that her passion can be out of control once unleashed. ÂGETwenty-four years old. She's in her little state of inner tormoil, half too young, half too old for most things. Full of ambition and various projects, she's leading the way in the stormy path that life is. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCELondon, Surrey, UK. She was born on April the 12th, as fresh as spring is. Though the weather in England might have ruined this concept a bit. ÉTAT CIVILSingle... And it has been so for quite a while. (If not since since the dawn of time!) She's a bit difficult to control in terms of emotional outbursts but has an incredibly healthy libido. To be taken. (isn't this a witty pun...) ORIENTATION SEXUELLEHeterosexual. This young lady is only into men, even though she's open-minded about everything. NATIONALITÉ(S)British. To be expected, since she was born in England. ORIGINE(S)Purely English. Even though some distant cousins has been said to be from Scotland. MÉTIERStudent in drama. Her family has enough money to let her realise her dream of crowded theaters and become a brand new human being once on stage. She's grateful for this. SITUATION FINANCIÈREThey're well off. It has always been the case, for several generations now, and they tend to help each other out in case of financial loss. SITUATION FAMILIALEA very large family. Not only in number, (despite the fact that it's important to mention that she has four siblings) but also in diversity. They're interested in various things in life and nobody is quite the same. QUALITÉS △ écrire ici. (au moins six) DÉFAUTS △ écrire ici. (au moins six) GROUPE △ écrire ici.

Ici, vous écrirez quelques points importants à savoir sur votre personnage... Mettez-en au moins cinq, ce sera d'une grande aide lors de vos recherches de liens ! (à effacer après)

PSEUDO/PRENOM △ écrire ici. ÂGE △ écrire ici. PAYS △ écrire ici. COMMENT AS-TU TROUVÉ LE FORUM ? △ écrire ici. COMMENT LE TROUVES-TU ? △ écrire ici. PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ OU SCÉNARIO ? △ écrire ici. PRÉSENCE △ X/7 jours UN DERNIER MOT AVANT LE GRAND SAUT ? △ écrire ici. RECENSEMENT
[b]avatar (en minuscule) ∞[/b] prénom nom (en minuscule, sans l'initiale)

Dernière édition par Pholimena Marbury le Sam 19 Oct - 20:16, édité 3 fois
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Pholimena Marbury

Pholimena Marbury

arrival : 19/10/2013
dreams : 5

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 19:35

keep on dreaming honey

“She’s having one of them again”.
The words had been whispered quietly, and only Pholimena’s muffled moans were echoing in the classroom.  Surrounded by several curious looking faces, she could hardly see or hear them, stuck in her paralysed state, only disturbed by occasional convulsions. A jacket, used as a pillow, had been placed under her neck to prevent her from any injuries. [...]

Dernière édition par Pholimena Marbury le Sam 19 Oct - 20:24, édité 1 fois
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stop blaming yourself
Raphaël de Vistres

Raphaël de Vistres

arrival : 15/08/2013
dreams : 86

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 19:50

Oh EMMA ORGASMIQUE WATSON OMEGA. 99077423 What a Face OMEGA. 2170261938 
welcome here and have fuuuuun OMEGA. 2208953799 
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Scarlett R. Wilder

Scarlett R. Wilder

arrival : 26/05/2013
dreams : 79

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 19:52

EMMA ♥️♥️ I love her OMEGA. 99077423 
Bienvenue ♥️ n'hésites pas si t'as des questions !
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Pholimena Marbury

Pholimena Marbury

arrival : 19/10/2013
dreams : 5

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 19:54

Thank you guys OMEGA. 1480980858 I'm already in love with the forum. OMEGA. 920665082 
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stop blaming yourself
Raphaël de Vistres

Raphaël de Vistres

arrival : 15/08/2013
dreams : 86

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 19:59

AWESOME THEN. OMEGA. 1923001880 
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Scarlett R. Wilder

Scarlett R. Wilder

arrival : 26/05/2013
dreams : 79

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 20:02

I know, it's awesome right ? Arrow
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Pholimena Marbury

Pholimena Marbury

arrival : 19/10/2013
dreams : 5

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 20:07

Yes a bit like me. Indeed it is I love you I've always been torn between english-speaking forums and french ones, so finally there's one that is just what I needed, it's between the two so I don't have to make any cornelian decision anymore. OMEGA. 3204508882 
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Primrose G. Harrison

Primrose G. Harrison

arrival : 05/10/2013
dreams : 39

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 20:11

bienvenue et emma OMEGA. 1986669751 
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Scarlett R. Wilder

Scarlett R. Wilder

arrival : 26/05/2013
dreams : 79

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 20:15

Pholimena Marbury a écrit:
Yes a bit like me. Indeed it is I love you I've always been torn between english-speaking forums and french ones, so finally there's one that is just what I needed, it's between the two so I don't have to make any cornelian decision anymore. OMEGA. 3204508882 

It's exactly how i feel !
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Pholimena Marbury

Pholimena Marbury

arrival : 19/10/2013
dreams : 5

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 20:18

Cheers Primrose. I love you

And Scarlett, it's a shame I've never found a forum like that before! OMEGA. 3204508882 
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i don't have dreams, i have goals.

Jace Sarbesco

Jace Sarbesco

arrival : 21/08/2013
dreams : 39

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptySam 19 Oct - 21:37

BIENVENUE SUR LE FO, bonne chance pour ta fiche et si t'as des questions, n'hésite pas à demander I love you
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stop blaming yourself
Raphaël de Vistres

Raphaël de Vistres

arrival : 15/08/2013
dreams : 86

OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. EmptyMer 30 Oct - 16:46

Le délai de base est terminé, est-ce qu'on pourrait avoir des nouvelles ? I love you
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OMEGA. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OMEGA.   OMEGA. Empty

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